Tuesday 23 August 2016

Why Keeping a Travel Journal is Good for you

Travel is nothing but a journey to find yourself. It helps you know yourself better with every experience. You experience joy, sorrow, anger, euphoria and much more through travel. May it be a trip plan or designing your travel itinerary through travel planner or visiting an unknown country, travel teaches you a lot of things. You learn things and collect experiences which you never forget. But what’s the best way to collect these experiences? Yes. A travel journal. Keeping a journal and a pen when you are travelling and jotting down your small day to day experiences is one of the best things you will ever do.

Here is why keeping a travel journal is good for you

While pictures might say more than what words could, but they can’t tell the exact story sometimes. It is always amazing to sit down with a cup of coffee and pen down your thoughts and experiences about the trip. The experience of jotting down the small things that happen throughout your travel plan is an amazing experience all together. Always make a habit of setting aside some time to write down your experiences when travelling.

Apart from that, it also plays an important role to overcome boredom. Yes, some days of your vacation plan are not much exciting as the other. For such times, travel journal comes in handy. You can sit back, relax and write down what comes to your mind in your journal. You won’t understand how precious the writings are unless you go home and see them after months. Try it.

Also, having a travel journal can help you plan a trip easily. Writing down all the things that are required throughout your trip and the places you are going to visit and ticking them off once you do them is an amazing experience all together. In today’s technological world, all this can be done on a mobile phone or a tablet but doing it in your travel journal is more enriching and memorable experience.

If you are planning with your best friend or your partner, you can have a shared journal. It helps you grow your bond stronger. Also, having a shared journal keeps you committed to the things you have planned to do. A travel journal actually helps you right from planning a perfect trip to gathering the experiences till the end of your trip.

Another important advantage of keeping a travel journey is managing your expenses. With a travel journal, you can jot down everything right from your smallest expenses to the biggest things you spent your bucks on. This helps you manage your expenses by keeping a record of them. Similarly you can keep a record of things you bought throughout your trip. And you can even make a list of things you are planning to buy when travelling beforehand.

You don’t know how much useful our travel journal can be until some relative of yours or your friends are planning to go to the same places. As you have all the information jotted down in your journal about the place, you can help them know about the place beforehand. This is where your journal comes in handy. You never realize how important your writings are unless the situation comes where you have to help someone know about the place you had visited.

And remember, a travel journal is your best friend. It is always there with you in your good and bad times. Not all the days are best when you are on travelling. Your travel journal and the written down experiences help you bring a smile to your face in bad days and make you feel optimistic about the good things in life.

As they truly say, ‘Traveling- it leaves you speechless then turns you into a storyteller’.

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